词汇 ,无疑是高考英语成败的决定性因素。每位高中生,对词汇的掌握和记忆都不该有丝毫懈怠。
网上有很多高考英语3500单词的版本,但是乱序版应该是最经典的一个了。刚开始背熟的时候正序版对同学们是有好处的, 正序的词汇书比较完整 。学了正序单词后,可以通过自己做笔记来设定乱序的word list。这样看起来好像多花了时间,其实对你记单词是很有帮助的。
但是很多同学在背英语单词的时候,都不喜欢按照正常的单词顺序去背诵了,因为这样很容易忘,记得不够扎实,而且正序版背诵之后,慢慢的也肯定会出现单词混淆的状况,所以等同学们正序背诵的差不多的时候,就要开始使用乱序版。 乱序版涵盖了教育部考试大纲要求的全部词汇 ,用乱序编排,以“词根+联想”记忆法为主,更便于背诵。
所以今天社长给同学们分享的就是 高中英语3500词(乱序版),一共106页 。收录大量的词汇搭配用法及近义词辨析,还有高考考点、用法精讲、派生词等内容,结合记录记忆能很好地提高记忆效率,很适合作为高中生使用的单词本。同学们好好利用,准能提高效率!
当然啊,如果到后面你已经能够掌握那3500个基本单词了,可以用 维克多英语 或是其他一些扩容的英语单词,这个很重要。
因为篇幅过多,发到平台的只是截取的部分资料 ,建议大家来找我领取一份完整资料打印在手里,这样才能让知识浮现眼前,才真正有作用。
这些都是无偿分享的呀~大家可以 来小窗口私信我英语106(一定要先主动呀~)
1.idea n. he some/ no idea + 从句 / of ?
I he no idea why she left. / I he no idea of his address.
2. ◎identity n The police are trying to discover the identity of the killer.
The thief used a false identity. identity card=ID card
4.ill adj 1) ill与sick的区别 He was ill/ sick. a sick mother
2) = bad he a bad/ an ill effect on?影响不好 speak/ think ill of sb. 说某人的坏话
5. ◎illegal / legal adj. It is illegal to drive through a red light.
illegally adv. He entered the country illegally.
6. imagine v. imagine sth. / doing sth. I can?t imagine life without the children now. I can?t imagine 7.◎immediately adv. He answered almost immediately.
Turn right immediately after the church.
conj. Immediately he had gone,I remembered her name.
immediate adj. an immediate reaction / response take immediate action
8. ●import 进口,输入 n. the import of electrical goods.
v. All the meat is imported from France.
9. ◎ impression n. a) get a good / bad impression of sb a general / an overall impression b) My words made no impression on her.
His trip to India makes a strong impression on him.
c) be under the impression that
I was under the impression that the work had already been completed.
impress v. impress sb with sth / sb He impressed us with his sincerity.
impress sth on / upon sb He impressed on us the need for immediate action.
impress sth / itself on / upon sth Her words impressed themselves on my memory.
11.in prep.
○1 in a word一句话说 ○2 in all 总共
○3 in modern times ○4 be measured in tons 用吨来衡量
○5 in that? 因为 ○6 in the eighth century/ in the1990s ○7 in one?s twenties
○8 in pencil/ English/ ink用铅笔/英语/墨水 ○9 pay sth in cash
12.include v.
13. increase 1) v. increase to / by 增加到/了
2) n Great demands lead to a large increase in supply.
increasingly adv. 越来越多的,不断增加的'
increasingly difficult/ important/ popular
15. ◎indicate A red sky at night often indicated fine weather the next day.
In his letter, he indicated to us that he was willing to cooperate.
indication n. indication of sth / doing sth
They ge no indication of how the work should be done .
16. ◎ industry n.------ industrial adj. hey / light industry
17. influence n. he a strong? ~ on/ upon sb / sth
~over sb / sth His parents no longer he any ~ over her.
under the ~ of sb / sth He committed the crime under the ~ of the drugs.
Those friends are a bad ~ on her. v. His writings he ~d the lives of millions.
18.● inform 告诉,通知 inform sb. of /that
We regret to inform you that your lication has been rejected.
keep sb. informed of make informed decision
19.◎ injure v. He ~d his knee playing football.
This could seriously ~the company?s reputation.
injury n. injuries There were no injuries in the crash.
The players are out of the team because of injury.
20. ◎ insert v. ~ sth in / into/ between sth
They ~a tube in his mouth to help him breathe.
~ sth into sth He ~ed a paragraph into his will.
1The man insisted that he 21. insist v. ○
○2 insist on doing sth.
单词书购买 Tips:
1. 不管你是高几,高中单词书推荐都是同步的。
2. 高三的同学可以选择购买考纲词汇书,也就是封面标注的是必考、高频词汇等字样的。建议买「乱序版」而非「正序版」,防止每次都是 A 打头的单词最熟悉,靠近 Z 的部分完全没看过。
3. 符合以上条件的基础上,买精不买多,最好是只买一本。
高中英语必修一 必修二中的高考3500词汇有哪些?
作用、词汇量要求、学习方法不同。高考3500是高中英语教学的重要组成部分,是指高考考纲要求的词汇。四级词汇4700多个、词组近2000个。高考3500是为高考考生准备的,而四级词汇是针对大学生的。 英语单词怎么背 虽然英语单词量很多,并且作为中国人来讲,感觉很多英语单词都长得一个样,但是,哪怕有些英语单词只有一个字母不一样,那么他们还是有很大区别的。首先,要给自己下一个定义,单词虽多且不易分辨,但每个单词都是有自己的特点,掌握其独特的记忆方法,一定能与其他单词区别开来从而不记混淆。 不要死记硬背,要在阅读文章和使用中背单词。每个单词不要花费太多的时间,应该多次重复,降低每个单词消耗的时间。多注意身边的英语,如产品说明书,各种标语,公共场合的的一些提示语。不要单纯的抄写单词,学会根据单词的发音,写单词。注意掌握易混单词,应先熟悉一个单词,再背与之对应的易混单词,并且记住他们的区别。应有周期的对已背过的单词进行巩固,强化他们在大脑中的印象。应将一些容易错的和记不住的单词写在小卡片上,随身携带,也能提高效率,并在不同时段巩固记忆。 英语单词的记忆方法 联想记忆,实际上是对比记忆,也就是说,当出现两个极其相似的英文单词时,同学完全可以把它们放到一起来进行记忆,这样不仅能够记住想死的两个单词,但而且不至于灰将其混淆,产生错误。 音标记忆,比较适合有一定的英语基础的同学,在掌握了音标之后,可以在积累的过程中发现,英语音标的发音会对应不同的字母,所以这种方法是比较根源性的,当能够拼出一个单词的时候,那也就意味着这个单词已经会写了,这是一种比较难的方法,但它的效率却是最高的。
Module 1
diet 饮食;日常食物
fat 脂肪
fit 健康的;强壮的
flu 流行冒
rare 稀少的;罕有的
toothache 牙痛
unhealthy 不健康的
wealthy 富裕的
rarely 稀少的
proverb 谚语
anxious 焦虑的
captain 队长
ingure 伤害
ingury 伤害
pain 疼痛
painfur 疼痛的
normal 正常的
lifestyle 生活方式
head 朝~~方向前进
eye 注视;观看
overweight 太胖的;超重的
lung 肺子
throat 喉咙;咽喉;嗓子
breathe 呼吸
pneumonra 肺炎
prescription 处方
symptom 症状
X-ray X-光
awfur 可怕的;吓人的
insurance 保险
questionnaire 问卷调查;调查表
Module 2
drug 毒品;药品
bronchitis 支气管炎
cancer 癌症
cigarette 香烟
tobacco 烟草;烟丝
addictive (药物等)上瘾的
e 可卡因
danger 危险
addict 对(药物等)上瘾的人;瘾君子
inject 注射
needle (注射用的)针;针管
powerful 有力的;(药等)有功效的
reduce 减少
nearby 附近的
burglary 盗窃;窃案;盗窃罪
crime 罪行;犯罪行为
criminal 罪犯
connection 联系;关系;关联
illegal 违法的;不合法的
ratio 比;比率
shoplifting 逛商店时偷窃商品的行为
treatment 治疗
likely 可能的
adult 成人
cafe 咖啡馆;餐馆
disagree 不同意;意见不合
ban 禁止
horrible 令人不快的;极讨厌的
affect 影响;对~~有坏影响
participant 参与者;参加者
recognise 认识;认知;认出
leaflet 传单;印刷品
distraction 分心;分散注意力
jogging 慢跑
gymnastic 体操的
Module 3
audience 听众
choir (教堂里的)唱诗班;合唱队
classical 古典音乐
composer 作曲家
conductor 指挥
jazz 爵士乐
musician 音乐家
orchestra 管弦乐队(团)
saxophone 萨克斯管
court 宫廷
director 指挥
genius 天才
lose 失去;丢失
musical 音乐的
peasant 农民
symphony 交响乐;交响曲;交响乐团
talent 天分;天赋;才华
Austria 奥地利
Austrian 奥地利的
prince 王子;亲王
compose 作曲;创作
tour 巡回演出
album 专辑
ballad 民歌;民谣;(伤感的)情歌
band 乐队
catchy 动人的
complex 复杂的
influence 影响
lyrics (复)歌词
solo 独奏的
tune 曲调
record 录音
lecturer (大学的)讲师
mix 使混合
Module 4
like 爱好;嗜好
dislike 憎恶;不喜欢
artist 艺术家
colourful 彩色的
contemporary 当代的
delightful 令人愉快的;可爱的
drawing 图画
paint 绘画;(用颜料)画
painter 画家
painting 绘画;油画
scene 景色;风景
traditional 传统的;习俗的
alive 有活力的;有生气的
aspect 方面
imitate 临摹;仿造;模仿;仿效
observe 观察;注意到
reality 真实;现实;逼真
style 风格
adopt 纳;用
aim 以~~为目标;打算;意欲
stand 忍受
unusual 不寻常的;非凡的
exhibition 展览
expression 表现;表达
landscape 风景;景色;风景画;山水画
portrait 画像;肖像;人像
relise 领悟;了解;现实;实行
realistic 现实主义的;写实主义的
watercolour 水彩画
destroy 破坏;毁坏
Module 5
headline (新闻报道等的)标题
photograph 照片
celebrity 名人
economy 经济
politics 政治
photographer 摄影师
cosmonaut 宇航员
nigator 领航员;(飞机的)驾驶员
taikonaut 太空人;宇航员
universe 宇宙
sailor 船员;水手
orbit 轨道;绕轨道飞行
capsule 太空舱
flight 飞行;班机
congratulation 祝贺
aboard 在船(飞机、火车、公共汽车)上
welcome 欢迎
historical 历史性的
achievement 成就;功业;伟绩
replace 代替;取代
alien 外星人
amateur 业余的
astronomer 天文学家
autograph 亲笔签名
delighted 高兴的;快乐的
fan (**等的)迷
spaceship 宇宙飞船
telescope 望远镜
actor 演员
backstage 在后台
part 角色
politician 政治家
belief 信念;信条
disbelief 不信;怀疑;疑惑
evidence 证据
cultural 文化的
financial 金融的
review 评论
royal 的;皇室的
found 创立;建立
produce 创作
Module 6
poster 海报
thriller 充满刺激的**
comedy 喜剧
sword 剑
actress 女演员
character 角色;人物
female 女的;女性的
male 男的;男性的
masterpiece 杰作
fiance 未婚夫
rooftop 屋顶
leap 跳跃;飞跃
graceful 优美的;优雅的
interest 使感兴趣
bre 勇敢的
moving 感人的
occasionally 有时;偶尔
ad 广告
argue 争论
channel 频道
entertaining 有趣的;令人愉快的
telly (非正式)电视
drama 戏剧
plot 情节
setting (、戏剧、**的)背景
shark 鲨鱼
section 部分;节
1.daily n. adj. adv. a daily visit be visited daily
The story was in all the dailies.
2.damage v. The storm did / caused great damage to the country.
Smoking seriously damages your health.
3.danger n. How many workers are in danger of losing their jobs?
Doctors said she is now out of danger. Police said the man was a danger to the public. dangerous adj It would be dangerous for you to stay here.
4.dare v. He didn?t dare (to) say what he thought.
How dare you 你竟敢 How dare you talk to me like that?
I dare say 我想,很可能 I dare say you know about it already.
5. date n. v. We need to fix a date for the next meeting .
date back to / date from a law dating from the 17th century. make a date
6.dawn n. They start work at dawn.
We arrived in Sydney as dawn broke. He works from dawn till dusk.
7.deal dealt dealt v. deal with对付,应付;解决,处理;涉及,关于
She is used to dealing with all kinds of people in her job.
He you dealt with these letters yet?
Her poems often deal with the subject of death.
a good/great deal of
They spent a great deal of money. It is a deal. 就这么办吧!
8.◎de n. 债务,欠款 pay off/clear/repay the des be in de 欠债
go/get/run/slip into de 陷入债务之中
9.decision n. make a decision
10.declare v.公布,宣布;声明,断言
The has declared a state of emergency.
Germany declared war on France on 1 August 1914.
He declared that he was in love with her.
declare for 声明支持 declare against 声明反对
11.● decline 拒绝,谢绝,下降
The number of tourists declined by 10%. Her health was declining rapidly.
I offered to give them a lift but they declined with thanks.
12.◎decorate v. 装饰修饰 decoration n. 装饰,装饰品,奖章
decorate A with B 装点,布置 decorate sb. for brery 因为勇敢授予奖章
13.◎decrease v. (使) 减少,变小 decrease (sth.) to 1000 decrease (sth.) by 10%
14.deed n. do a good deed
15.defeat v. n. a narrow defeat 惜败 a hey defeat 惨败 admit defeat
He defeated the champion.
16.defend v. We are trained to defend themselves against knife attacks.
Troops he been sent to defend the borders. 已派出部队去守卫边疆。
He defended his wife against rumours and allegations.
defence n. Soldiers who died in defence of their country
17.degree n.度数(角); 度数(温度);程度; 学位 an angle of ninety degrees
Water freezes at zero degree. I agree with you to a certain degree.
He has a master?s degree from Harvard.
18.delay v. a delay of two hours a two-hour delay
report it to the police without delay
Thousands of passengers were delayed for over an hour.
delay doing:He delayed telling her news,waiting for the right moment.
19. ● delight 快乐,乐事 to the delight of sb with delight
take(great)delight in doing: He takes great delight in proving others wrong.
The guitar is a delight to play. delight in sth/ doing sth
delighted: be delighted to do/ that/ by/at/ with
He was delighted at the news of the wedding.
20. ● deliver deliver a baby
Do you he your milk delivered?
She is due to deliver a lecture. 安排她做一个演讲。
21.demand v. meet / satisfy one?s demands
in demand Good secretaries are always in demand. I demand to see the manager. I demand that all the books be sent to Tibet.
22. depend v. depend on He was the sort of person you could depend on .
Depend upon it we won?t give up. 请相信我们绝不会放弃。 It / That depends.
23.describe/ description Can you describe him to me? a brief / general description
24. design v. design a car/ a kitchen a badly designed kitchen
be designed for The film is designed for children.
be designed to do The programme is designed to help poor people.
25.desire n. v. we all desire health and hiness. a strong desire for power
26. destroy v. The building was completely destroyed by fire.
27.determine v. determine to do They determined to start early.
be determined to do I am determined to succeed.
determination He fought the illness with courage and determination.
28.develop v.发展,壮大; 疾病开始侵袭;冲洗
She developed the company from nothing. I had the film developed.
Her son developed asthma when he was two. develop a habit
developed / developing/ development with the development of science and technology
29.◎devotion n. 奉献,奉献精神 devote v. 奉献,贡献
one?s devotion to his job devote oneself/ one?s time /one?s energy to sth. /doing sth. be devoted to sth/doing sth
30.diary 日记 n. keep a diary
31. dictation 听写 n. he a dictation
32.◎diet n. 饮食 go/be on a diet 节食
33.different adj. 不同的` A be different from B in sth difference n. 区别
tell the difference between A and B in sth make a / no / some difference to sb/sth The rain didn?t make much difference to the game.
34.difficult adj. /difficulty n. he difficulty (in) doing sth he difficulty with 名词
35.dig (dug ,dug ,digging) v.挖;挖掘
dig a hole dig sth up 掘地,平整土地;挖掘出
36.direction n. 方向,指导 in the direction of?朝?.方向 in all directions 朝四面八方
under sb?s direction 在?指导下
37.◎disabled a. 残废的,残疾的 The disabled were sent to the hospital.
38.◎disadvantage advantages and disadvantages take advantage of
he an advantage over 优于?
39.◎disagree vi. 意见不一致,持不同意见
disagree with what sb. said disagree on/about sth 就某事达成一致意见
sth disagree with sb 食物天气等使某人身体不适
40.disoint v. 使?..失望 The movie disointed me.
disointed / disointing
be disointed with /in about /at be disointed to see/hear/find
a disointed expression disointing news
disointment n. 失望 much to one?s disointment
be a disointment to sb
41.◎discount n. 折扣 discount price at a discount 以折扣价
42.● discourage使气馁 discourage sb from doing sth
discouraged discouraging discouragement
43.discover v. / discovery n. make a discovery
44.discuss v. discuss sth with sb
discussion n. under discussion he/ hold a discussion
45.dish n.盘子,餐具 I?ll do the dishes. 我来洗碗。
46.◎dislike v. 不喜欢,厌恶 1) dislike doing 2) dislike it + 从句
47. ◎dismiss v. 1) 拒绝考虑 dismiss sth as
He just laughed and dismissed my suggestion as unrealistic.
2)解雇 dismiss sb for sth dismiss sb. from the post
3) 打发走,解散 The teacher will dismiss the class early today because of the snow .
48.distance n. 距离 distant adj. 远的 in the distance 在远处
at a distance of 数字 隔?.距离
49.distinction n. 区别,差别;卓越,优秀
1)make/draw a distinction 区别对待 2)the distinction between A and B
3) of great distinction 卓越的 4)he the distinction of doing sth 有荣誉殊荣做某事
50. distinguish v.区别,辨别 distinguish between A and B =distinguishA from B
51.divide v. 划分;分配;除 ; divide sth up into 把?..分成?..份
divide sth up between / among sb 在?.. 之间均分
The food was divided among all the people。 Nine divided by three is three.
Opinions are divided on the problem.
52.◎divorce 离婚,离异 1) n. get a divorce divorce rate 2) v. get divorced
53.●donate 捐赠,捐献 donate sth to sb/sth
donation: organ donation make a donation to
54.dou n./ v. 怀疑 I never doued that she would come.
I doued whether / if she would come. without / beyond dou 毫无疑问
there is no dou about sth
55.downstairs adv.到楼下,在楼下 go downstairs
56.downtown adj. 市中心的; adv.往市中心区 a downtown office go downtown
57.dozen n. 打 2 dozen eggs 2 dozen of these eggs dozens of eggs
sell eggs by the dozen.
58.drag-dragged-dragged 拖,拽 1) drag a leg 2) drag sb down 使某人感到不愉快
59.draw-drew-drawn v.画; 拉,拖;吸引; draw the curtains
draw sb?s attention to sth draw a conclusion 得出结论
?draw near 临近,接近 Christmas is drawing near.
60.dream n. v. 做梦 dream of/about + n/doing dream a good dream
61.dress n. 衣服 v.穿衣服 She dressed the child in a coat.
She dressed well / badly. be dressed in 状态 get dressed in 动作
dress up 打扮 dress up as Father Christmas
62.drink-drank-drunk n.饮料 v. 喝
drink to 为?干杯 Let?s drink to the friendship between us.
drunk 喝醉的 drunken 喝醉了的
63. drive v.驾驶, 开车; 驱逐; 迫使 drive a car / taxi drive sb mad
64.drop n.滴 v. 落下; 降低; 倒下 The fruit dropped down from the tree.
The price of sugar will drop soon. drop behind 落在后面
drop in on sb/ at sp 顺便拜访人、地
drop off 下降,减退; 睡着了,打盹
drop out of sth 从?..退出,不再参加? He dropped out of politics.
65.drown v. 淹死; (声音)掩盖 a drowning man/ a drowned man
The noise of the train drowned his voice.
66.drug n. 药;毒品 take drugs drug addict 上瘾的人
67.dry adj.干的 v.弄干 dry up 干涸 ;枯竭,耗尽
68.due adj.到期的,预期的
be due to sb/sth 因为,由于 The team?s success was largely due to her efforts.
be due to do 预期干某事 The next train is due to arrive in five minutes.
The homework is due.